RVWRMP Measures to Halt COVID-19
Updated: Dec 4, 2020
To: All RVWRMP Staffs, GWROs, SO’s and SO staffs
Re: Precautions to be taken with regards to the COVID-19 transmission
COVID-19 also called the Corona virus is spreading throughout the world and almost all the countries in the world are affected. A wave of infected people is causing a lot of pain, stress and disruption in society. Health systems have difficulties managing the situation once the people get ill. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared it as pandemic and requests everybody to take all possible precautions to slow down the spreading. The Government of Nepal has imposed several restrictions including the control of visitors and regulating entry at the Nepal-India Border.
From other countries we know that the number of infected people that need medical support can explode once the virus spreads. The number of patients can quickly outgrow the capacity of the medical facilities. So far, there are no known cases in Nepal but it is of extreme importance to delay the arrival of the virus and slow down the spreading once it is here. When delayed it means there is more time for the medical staff to acquire protective gear and prepare the hospitals for the treatment of severe patients. By slowing down the spreading the number of patients is spread over longer time. It is therefore that, on behalf of RVWRMP, I urge everybody to strictly follow the instructions of the government to reduce the threat. Social distancing and personal hygiene behavior are key to reduce the spreading.
Regularly clean hands with soap and water.
Avoid hand shake.
Maintain two meters (6 feet) distance between yourself and the others.
Avoid traveling by public means, unless there is urgency.
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
Avoid attending crowded places e.g. jatra, mela and such gatherings, Use of masks is mandatory in these places.
Cover your mouth while sneezing and coughing or sneeze into your elbow.
Keep your immune system strong with healthy food, avoid half cooked or raw foods.
Remain hydrated, regularly drink water.
Sleep well
Continue implementing the RVWRMP Project with measures to delay the and slow down the virus.
At a moment, the project continues as normal with the scheme implementation. So please carry on with planning these Project activities in the field.
Gatherings/training/workshop of more than 30 participants that come from different parts of the district level or RM need to be postponed.
Closely coordinate with the RMs and follow local government's notice and instructions.
Since schools are going to be closed soon, postpone school level training activities with the students.
Be especially careful when dealing with elderly people. Avoid contact with elderly people when you are coughing or feel sick.
'Bisu' festival is ahead so people from India come home to their villages and are a potential risk for the spreading of the virus. if they participate in mass meetings. In the situation, decide case by case in close coordinate with RM Office.
The Corona virus is a very serious threat, so take the hygiene and social distancing very seriously. You, the people working with the RVWRMP Project have a special responsibility to show others how to behave and slow down the spreading of the virus. Hard times might be ahead but together, we’ll get through this.
Michiel Verweij
Team Leader